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ARM COVID-19 risk assessment – Key Points to note when visiting the shop


These are the steps we have taken to ensure that we adhear to the .GOV guidelines and that both you (the customer) and our staff are safe during this time

  • ‘Increase handwashing frequency and surface cleaning. Provide hand washing facilities or hand sanitiser at entrance and exit point’

             Please feel free to use our facilities during your visit – sanitiser and facemasks are available at the doors. Soap and water are also


  • ‘Maintain two-metre social distance guidelines in a shop’

             Please use the marked areas and walkway plans for your safety when you visit and maintain social distancing

  • ‘Provide additional parking or facilities to help individuals run, walk and cycle to work. Define and limit the number of customers that can reasonably follow social distancing in store, taking into account floor space, “pinch points” and busy area’

             We have ample parking which is free to use. If there are more than 2 customers in the shop please wait till it is clear or queue outside in

             the designated safe  areas whilst maintaining social distancing

  • ‘Reduce congestion by making more entry points available into and out of stores and use a one-way system with floor marking for entrance and exit points, as well as throughout the building’

             We have a strict IN and OUT door policy – please let out staff guide you

  • ‘Encourage customers to shop alone where possible, unless they need specific assistance’

             We would be grateful when possible if you could shop alone


If at any point you feel we are not following the correct practices please don’t hesitate to tell us. Thank You. 



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